In Adoration...



     In silent adoration, you, O Jesus, are the perfect homage I give to the Father; the holy and pleasing sacrifice I offer for the needs of the world.




Holy Mass

Liturgy of the Hours



     "Open to the intentions and concerns of the Church as well as to the needs of all, we intercede before God in their behalf."(cf C 109)





Silence and Solitude





Pondering the Word of God.



"Mary will help us to follow

her on the pilgrimage of faith, and by our fidelity in our vocation, to hasten the hour

in which everyone will

adore the Father in spirit

and in truth." (cf C 115)





"The search for intimacy with God involves the

truly vital need of a silence embracing the whole being"(ET 46)... and solitude - of  

being alone with God.



At Work...


     To be able to live our calling more readily, we strive to form a community which offers each sister a true home, pleasant companionship, and as far as possible, work that is satisfying.




Study and Recreation...




By studying Scriptures and

the teachings of the Catholic Church,

we nourish and deepen our

spiritual life.


 Recreation enables us to relax physically and mentally,

renews our energies and refreshes us for a recollected presence before God.








Sister-Servant of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration Pink Sisters Philippines Tagaytay